Thursday, February 5, 2009

Newton's Three Laws of Motion!!!!!!!!!

In my science class we learned about Newton and his laws of motion. We learned that the first law states that a object in rest will stay in rest unless acted upon an unbalanced force and that an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon an unbalanced force. One example is when you are in a car and you stop friction acts upon the tires and makes the car stop. We also learned that the second law states how acceleration, force, and mass are related. He created an equation to find the force which is measured by Newtons. The equation is F=MA. An example for this is the reason why smaller cars have a better mileage than larger cars. It takes less force to move a smaller car resulting in the consumption of less gas when in a larger car it takes more force which then uses up more gas. Finally we learned that the third law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The example for this is when a person walks the ground pushes against us with the same amount of force resulting walking. This also explains friction. Friction is the an opposite force which pushes against us. There is fluid friction, sliding friction, and rolling friction. I believe that Newton was an important man in history. Without him, we would never have known about the forces that act upon us.

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